
Since the foundation of the Congregation, the Missionary priests of the Faith who work in Italy were under the direct guidance of the Generalate. With the intention of establishing a Major Body distinct from the Generalate, the Superior General, Fr. Aldo SPEROLINI, mf, and the Episcopal Delegate, Fr. Jesùs Marìa PALACIOS, cmf, visited all the communities of Italy in 2013. 

In the 6th Ordinary General Chapter 2014 it was decided to establish a Major Body in Italy. For this purpose, an assembly of all religious Missionaries of the Faith who worked in Italy was organized on 8 April 2015, where the modalities of establishing a Vice Province in Italy were discussed. During this assembly the text of the Institute's Charism, the new Constitutions, the capitular decisions and also the need to reorganize the structures of the Congregation. In the general council of the same day it was decided to establish the Vice Province of Italy  and to start the consultation to appoint the government of the new Vice Province.

After the consultation, the government of the Vice Province was appointed and so on 29 June 2015 the new Vice Province of Italy began.

The  territory  of this Vice Province includes all of Italy.

The   permanent members of this Vice Province are 17 priests who work in the various dioceses of Italy. The Vice Province will also host all the priests or brothers Missionaries of the Faith who will be sent by the other Major Bodies of the Congregation for study or for pastoral service.

The  communities  attached to the parishes in this Vice Province are 5.

This Major Organism must now develop its own vocation ministry by appointing a representative. He must also draw up a training plan suitable for each stage.

The Missions

Diocese of FRASCATI

  • Parish of Christ the King , Morena, Rome


  • Parochia S. Maria della Stella,  Chianciano Terme, 


  • General House , Via Nulvi 11, Rome 00148, Rome


  • Parish of St. Mary Mother of Divine Grace , Ponte Galeria, Rome

Diocese of ROME

  • Basilica of San Nicola in Carcere,  Rome

Diocese of SCAP

  • Santuario Sant'Eleuterio , Arce

Diocese of SCAP

  • Parish of S. Maira della Vittoria , islet of Arce

Diocese of SCAP

  • Parish of S. Maria Mag. And S. Paolo Apo. Cervaro

Diocese of SCAP

  • Parish of S. Benedetto,    Pastinelle.

The statistics

  • Priests 17
  • Temporary Vows 1

Government of the Vice Province of Italy

  • Domenico BORGE, mf,  -  Delegate of the Superior General for  the  Vice-province
  • Stefano TANG GUN, mf,  -  Councilor and Secretary of the Vice-province
  • Nolberto R. NUNEZ, mf,  -  Councilor and Treasurer of the Vice-Province

Ý Cầu Nguyện Tháng 02


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